The New Manager Transformation

A 4-Month Program Taking First-Time Managers Through That Pivotal Career Passage by Using a New Value System, Effective Delegation and Broadened Management Outlook to Get Unprecedented Results Through the Full Power of Their Teams

Who is Stefan?

I was promoted to manager in the peak of my engineering career. With the arrogance that generally goes with ignorance, I was failing my way through a long and painful transition. My managers (yes, I was moved more than a few times) were unable to support me since they were in a similar situation themselves. Eventually, with the help of our CEO, I realized that I needed to go to school for this, and I enrolled into an MBA program. There, I learned that there’s no such thing as transition to management, but it is “simply” a leadership transformation that first-time managers should go through. I was shocked by how little appreciation and understanding of this fact was out there in the industry.

With the knowledge and insights about the needs of the first time managers, I’ve not only succeeded in my leadership passage, but I’ve motivated, encouraged and coached numerous aspiring professionals to become the authentic leaders their teams deserve.

Today, I work to spare the struggle of the new managers and to support them in moving swiftly across, to the premise of authentic leadership.

About the Program


Who It Is For?

First time managers who’ve lost traction in their career path, paralyzed by the conflicting priorities and insurmountable demands of their new role.

When working with Stefan they get to move from dreading to loving their new role, by producing unprecedented results through the full power of their teams.


Who It Is Not For?

  • Not for managers who are not sure whether they really want to be managers.
  • Not for managers who want to exercise a bossy, dominant style of leadership.
  • Not for managers who are not able/willing to take action to see the results.
Module One

Ground Zero: Why the Pain?


  • Establish a clear understanding of management and authentic leadership, so that you can make a complete switch from your old role to the new one.
  • An assessment of your motivation for becoming a manager, and coaching support to address any inner doubts that you may have, so that you give to your transformation the utmost focus and attention.
  • Clear understanding of well-being and resilience, with tools and practical exercises for identifying and maintaining a healthy balance and avoiding burnout.


Internalize foundational principles in management, leadership and personal development to eradicate the sources of doubt and uncertainty, and identify your points of struggle with the new manager role, starting you on the journey of transformation with a conscious mind and determination.

Module Two

The Manager’s Path


  • Discover the 5 elements of leadership transformation that will transition you from your older role into your new role as manager permanently.
  • Clear leadership transformation roadmap with concrete steps to commit to and simple tools to track tangible progress of your management transition.


Chart your route to effective first-line management, trailing through transformational learning and honing of vital new skills.

Module Three

Communicate for Your Life


  • A grasp of the non-negotiables of effective leadership communication to build trust and authority, by using the Dos and Don’ts checklist as a support and guidance.
  • Move to clarity and abundance in your communication to provide context and meaning to your team by taking concrete action, and bringing back the result of 5 steps you took to change the way you communicate at work.


Since there’s no such thing as over-communication, grasp the influencing purpose of your manager role and sharpen up your communication for unprecedented effectiveness.

Module Four

Time Management With the New Value System


  • Internalizing the new value system of a successful first-line manager that you will adopt to enable your further transformation, with the support of coaching.
  • Clear understanding of what managerial performance is, so that you can strike the appropriate balance between your technical and managerial activities, and avoid delivering inappropriate results.
  • Demonstrate a grasp of new time management values by applying day planning and time tracking, and bringing back 5 cases in which you spent your time differently and got positive results.


There’s no way around it and there’s no going back either – your newly adopted set of values drives the way you make use of your time, clearing up the sky from the heavy clouds of conflicting priorities.

Module Five

Beyond Managing Others


  • You seek to establish trust as the premise to operate from as a leader, by reporting at least 5 concrete steps towards becoming a secure base leader for your team.
  • Understand the importance of continuous feedback and demonstrate how you deliver it for positive impact through regular 1on1 sessions with your reports.
  • Triggers the growth motivator in people to put them on a development path and use the SMART goal setting tools to set personal goals for your reports.
  • Learn how to handle conflict in your team and get the tools to help you manage difficult colleagues to be better prepared when you are challenged by former or present peers and other though cookies.
  • Learn what is the proper way to allocate work and challenges to team members to ensure that the team is always on a growth path, and bring back cases where you applied the learning and got positive results.
  • Demonstrate understanding of the difference between managing self and managing others, and bring back 5 cases where you acted with a leadership mindset in your work. Draw a parallel between your old and your new behavior, to make the switch to your new role permanent.


The responsibility of managing others comes with a demand for a very specific set of skills and behaviours. Hone these crucial skills, perform boldly from a premise of trust and opportunity, and jump start the engine of growth both for you and for your team.

Module Six

Delegation as the Key to Success


  • You have identified delegation as a key differentiator of your new value system and learned to avoid the traps of individual contribution, by using the provided tools and supported by the coaching in this module.
  • You freed up time by reducing the list of your activities to only the ones no one from your team could nor should do, and evaluate progress by bringing to the next module all activities that you delegated.
  • You move away from being an individual contributor and set your performance at the right leadership level by identifying appropriate new managerial activities to do in the freed up time, supported by the coaching, tools and directions provided in this module.


As crucial it is for success in management, delegation is perhaps the most evading skill for first-line managers. Shift your concern from how to do the job to who can do the job, and open the horizon for opportunities and results exceeding expectations.

Module Seven

Relationships With Peers and Boss


  • You know how to upgrade your relationship with your boss by proactively seeking alignment and steer on priorities, goals, and performance, so that you solidify your image as a reliable and capable member of your boss’ team.
  • You have set the basis for trust relationship with your new peers, by following a plan that you developed in this module, for proactively initiating an open dialogue about the common interest and challenges you face.
  • You have rebased the relationships with your former peers on a premise of mutual respect by proactively engaging them in a conversation which you lead, guided by the checklist and directions provided in this module.


You proactively manage with authority not only your team, but your peers and your boss too. This gains you traction and acceleration in your management career.

Module Eight

Progress Towards Goals


  • You learn how to set ambitious goals and apply the learning by setting your goals program in alignment with the goals of your boss and the goals of the overall organization, using the provided goals setting tools, including SMART goals setting.
  • You identify your success with the success of your team, setting the goals of your team to roll up into your goals, in alignment with the goals of the organization, and abiding by the SMART goals setting principle.
  • You are being the supportive leader your team deserves, by empowering and trusting them to do the job, and by creating a list of concrete actions from your side to support the team on its stride towards the set goals.
  • You set your team and yourself for extraordinary achievements by measuring and regularly reporting progress on the goals, and explain the KPIs which you chose to install and why.


Achieving through others is merely another way of referring to the manager role, inferring that the achievements of a manager are measured through the achievements of her team. Setting and achieving ambitious goals for yourself and your team is your way forward and up. Measuring and reporting progress towards these goals is your secret to astonishing acceleration of improvement and unprecedented results.

Module Nine

Continued Transformation


  • Evaluation of the journey so far through the hurdles that were overcome and the results achieved.
  • Commitment to continued leadership transformation, through identifying the short term improvement points, and devising a longer term plan for you further leadership development, approved by your boss.


At the first milestone, the long and difficult, but already fulfilling transformation is well in progress. Embrace the continuous improvement paradigm and trigger your next wave of change.

Let’s Talk About Your Transformation